
Podiatrists and other health care professionals encounter numerous problems that may be helped with compounded medications.

We commonly prepare unique formulations that prescribers develop to meet specific needs of their patients, or formulations that are developed by one of our experienced compounding pharmacists during their professional training.

Penetrant enhancers can be added to improve the extent of absorption of topically applied medications. Numerous compatible medications can be combined into a single dosage form for ease of administration. Also, a synergistic effect can be achieved when certain medications are used concomitantly.

We work together with the prescriber and patient to solve problems, and all formulations are customised per prescription to meet the unique needs of each patient. Therapeutic results depend not only on the selection of drug, but also the use of a proper base and preparation technique.

Please contact our compounding pharmacist to discuss the dosage form, strength, and medication or combination that is most appropriate for you.

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